Wednesday, May 31, 2006


Having had to cancel two US dates, Gary Lightbody of Snow Patrol is seeking advice following the loss of his voice.

"My voice is in pieces. You may have seen us on Good Morning America and, if you did, you'll be aware I barely scraped through it - and that was only one song."

Our advice - learning to communicate through emphatic gesture and considering a new career illustrating children's books - wasn't welcome, it seems.

But then Gary seems to have a problem taking good advice:

"When we began the Eyes Open tour in February of this year I was told by my doctor a few days beforehand that I had laryngitis and it would be best if I took a week off to recover.

"I told him I didn't have a week as we had shows pretty much every day. All the gigs so far have been a struggle. Unfortunately now I can barely hit any notes. My entire upper range has disappeared into a whisper."

We were slightly surprised there's more to Snow Patrol than the odd bit of whispering. Still, we hope he finds some time to rest his voice and get some recovery time in. There's not much point in breaking America if it breaks your ability to sing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't discourage the boy!
Ignore him Gary- you carry on with the gigs; you don't want to let down the fans do you? Garglng with sand and broken glass between shows will help....

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