Sunday, December 31, 2006

Robbie Williams is not going to Adam and Eve it

It's hard to know quite what the most tragic layer of today's story in the People is.

Could it be that Robbie Williams wants to play a cockney gangster in the next moribund geezer flick that comes along?

Could it be that he's "learning" cockney rhyming slang, apparently unaware that films are made with big papery things called scripts which contain the things that the people in them have to say?

Or, could it just be that he's apparently "learning" cockney by watching old tapes of Minder and Only Fools and Horses?

We bet he's watching the Gary Webster era Minder as well, rather than the good stuff.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He must have given up hopes of breaking America though, otherwise he'd still be 'studying' Mary Poppins. Pity really - that way he might have learned something valuable aside from a more marketable form of 'estuary english'.

A man has dreams of walking with giants
To carve his niche in the edifice of time
Before the mortar of his zeal
Has a chance to congeal
The cup is dashed from his lips
The flame is snuffed aborning
He's brought to rack and ruin in his prime

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